INSCAPE is a unique integrating collaborative tool supporting a wide range of devices and media formats to enable digital content creators to plan, build, experience and publish interactive multimedia stories | ||
Project - Future Public Events
The Top Talent Festival showcases and promotes top students and young professionals and honours them for their outstanding achievements. this event frames the platform for networking, exchange of ideas, experiences and business contacts between the multimedia newcomers, instructors, the European IT-industry and IT-media editors and journalists. There will be a presentation of INSCAPE, a workshop and the distribution of flyers, as well as lobbying and marketing activities.
This year again, the INSCAPE project supports the 4th international conference on virtual storytelling . The theme is "Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling". CS and ZGDV are part of the panel and CS is in charge of the ICVS Website. Further INSCAPE participation is still beeing defined.
Project - Past Public Events
IBC in Amsterdam is now Europe's most important media event, filling more than 11 halls at the RAI centre and last year attracted a record 42,500 attendees from all over the world. Originally focused on broadcasting, it now offers an exhibition and conference programme covering all aspects of modern digital media, and as such provides a unique opportunity to learn about the latest scientific and technical developments, see and use the latest technology and software at first hand, and meet the companies involved. The conference programme this year had again a special focus on IPTV which is or particular relevance to INSCAPE, since it is this market that will provide the primary market for interactive storytelling software in the television domain. Complementary themes involve mobile, HDTV, digital cinema and new tools for content production. Visiting IBC is an important way to maintain knowledge of state of the art, hear what technical developments are under way, understand the business issues and meet the main players. In addition, this year, IBC has also greatly increased its zone devoted to mobiles, enabling developers and industry players to meet and discuss developments in this interactive market which is also very relevant to INSCAPE. IBC is a unique opportunity to both experience the very latest about what is happening in media ITC world, and understand and represent INSCAPE's relevance. INSCAPE displayed its latest developments with a booth at the New Technology Campus. Paul Kafno also presented the project with a paper entitled "Authoring for the Interactive Content Revolution". There was a great deal of interest shown for INSCAPE by the public at both venues.
The SIGGRAPH conference and exhibition is the leading international forum for disseminating ground-breaking, provocative, and important new work and products in computer graphics and interactive techniques. INSCAPE had an exhibitor's booth with the joint presence of several consortium partners to present the INSCAPE project to the main actors of the computer graphics industry.
DV set up an INSCAPE booth where selected audience was introduced to INSCAPE with a demo and "Try out" sessions. This served as recruitment for the workshop for Cartoon Animation Application Domain to be organised by DV.
The INSCAPE consortium presented the latest outcomes of the project at Laval Virtual. The consortium booked an INSCAPE booth to advertise the project. Opportunities were seized to present INSCAPE results to professional and general public and to gather first feedback from these members of the Open Community. The delayed release of the Alpha prevented us from doing so in 2006, but everything was ready for 2007. The objective was to present INSCAPE concepts through application and demonstrator developed during the Alpha stage. The consortium was represented by Alterface, Immersion and CS. Alterface has demonstrated its technologies every year at the Laval Virtual show for 5 years, both during the professional and the general public days. Each year, Immersion exhibits his new virtual reality input devices and display solutions to people interested in interactivity issues. Therefore, available results from the INSCAPE project could be demonstrated for a highly captive public of users and professionals. CS has regularly participated to the conference and the exhibition during the 6 past years. It won several prizes for its realisations, including for WAVE (Welding trainer simulator), V-Man (Character animation toolkit) or Picasso showroom (marketing showroom)
As in 2005 the TTA organised presentations of Europe's most creative multimedia projects together with its partner institutions. Road shows were planned in Austria, Hungary, Great Britain and France. The consortium distributed the INSCAPE flyer at these events to inform about the project and invite people to join the OC forum.
A consortium member organized the third international Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, which took place in Germany, December 4-6 2006. INSCAPE played an important role for TIDSE 2006 hence the Conference used/served as information and communication/dissemination platform of the INSCAPE approach. Since 2004 there has been close collaboration between TIDSE and ICVS as leading Storytelling conferences in Europe resulting in a biennial rotation of the two conference series. TIDSE 2006 provided a specific INSCAPE panel discussion. Further on, different INSCAPE research partners will be part of the scientific program and present their results, e.g. in the contest of mobile narrative experiences (NU) or emotions in interactive storytelling environments (UA).
A consortium member was present at the IAAPA 2006 expo and tradeshow. The INSCAPE alpha version was presented during the event to the community of Amusement Parks. Analysis was conducted in terms of usage and further requirements from these members of the INSCAPE Open Community.
Young multimedia producers from Europe and instructors learned about INSCAPE and were invited to join the OC.
A consortium member made a presentation in a session on Intelligent Content chaired by Roberto Cencioni, referred to INSCAPE and showed a section of the promotional video.
A consortium member informed about INSCAPE and invited people to join the Open Community.
Multimedia producers and instructors from Austria will learn about INSCAPE and will be invited to join the OC.
A consortium member presented a paper about work being done in INSCAPE at this event.
The consortium showed its latest Inscape achievements, both to talk about Inscape to people new to the project and by showing what its current directions are to people we met and discussed with last year. This could help the consortium gather new contacts, ideas or requirements.
The SIGGRAPH conference and exhibition is the premier international forum for disseminating ground-breaking, provocative, and important new work and products in computer graphics and interactive techniques. The project was presented to the main actors of the computer graphics industry on Immersion and Realviz booths.
A consortium member distributed the INSCAPE flyer to inform about the project and invited people to join the Open Community during the EUROPRIX Top Talent Award Jury meeting.
INSCAPE researcher SJN chaired one of the four ISEA thematic strands that structured the 2006 exhibition and conference. This ensured high visibility and excellent contacts in the new media / interactive arts sector. The autumn 2005 jurying activity provided an overview of SOA interactive artwork, and the 2006 symposium provided an excellent dissemination platform for INSCAPE. Contacts established in San Jose include meetings with narrative experts Noah Wardrup-Frun (University of California San Diego) and Michael Mateas (Georgia Institute of Technology), and with Josh Kit-Clayton, creator of Jitter, who created a unique "software performance".
A consortium member participated to the EuroHaptics conference held in Paris. This allowed us to perform some technology monitoring, to keep our knowledge of the field up to date.
A consortium member appealed candidates to discover new technologies and methodologies to make their stories interact, to be amongst the first testers of INSCAPE interactive storytelling software features, and to see how their interactive productions can profit from the composition of different features for creating interactive stories. Selected OC members evaluated the Alpha Release of INSCAPE.
A consortium member set-up an INSCAPE booth where attendants were introduced to INSCAPE and demo activities has been carried out. "Try out" session in the INSCAPE corner of the DV booth.
A consortium member distributed the INSCAPE flyer to inform about the project and invited people to join the Open Community.
On July 7 to 8, 2006 a workshop hold with the title Discover the future of Interactive Storytelling. The workshop calls for participants to be amongst the first to see the INSCAPE interactive storytelling software features, and to learn how their interactive productions can profit from the composition of different features for creating interactive stories. On July 9 day selected INSCAPE OC members validated the INSCAPE Features in a standardized testing environment, under supervision of ICNM.
Based on the success of the GameDays 2005 (see, ZGDV intensified applied research work in the field of edutainment/gaming. The INSCAPE alpha framework promoted within the exhibition section of the GameDays 2006, on June 1-3.
INSCAPE's representatives served on the Steering Group organized by the Newcastle-Gateshead Initiative and International Federation of Arts Councils and Cultural Associations to prepare the third - and first European - World Summit on Arts and Culture for June 2006, and used this opportunity to showcase Culture Lab's newly refurbished facilities (which opened early May), and highlight international research exemplified by the INSCAPE project.
A consortium member presented a paper about work being done in INSCAPE at this event.
A consortium member presented a paper about work being done in INSCAPE at this event.
Results from the INSCAPE Project have been demonstrated on REALVIZ booth when available. REALVIZ introduced its new products and new versions each year at this important event.
A consortium member organised a special track on Interactive Storytelling and identified INSCAPE both from a research related and application-driven point of view in the Edutainment sector.
A presentation has been organized by the consortium in the framework of MILIA conferences focussing on interactive digital storytelling. During this presentation the INSCAPE project has been presented. Furthermore there was a booth where INSCAPE was one of the promoted projects.
A consortium member organized this event with the University of Coimbra to gather researchers in the field of the video games. UA presented the future possibilities about using INSCAPE in class rooms.
A workshop about the INSCAPE hold to a program point during the festival in the framework of the Austrian EU presidency 2006. Young multimedia producers from Europe and instructors learned about INSCAPE and will be invited to join the OC.
Consortium members made a presentation of the ZGDV work in the INSCAPE framework in conjunction with the project Virtual Human. The CeBIT is the world's leading trade show for solutions, products and services from all areas of IT and telecommunications, with half a million vistors and more than 10,000 journalists every year.
Presentation of the INSCAPE Project by a consortium member: presentation of the REALVIZ INSCAPE modules PanoramaBuilder and EnvironmentBuilder software to 3D graphics'. The innovative concept of EnvironmentBuilder was acclaimed by visitors as a breakthrough for 3D easy environment reconstruction.
Presentation of the INSCAPE Project by a consortium member.
UNEW's invited keynote address at the international Digital Cultures Symposium held at Nottingham Trent University, a 3 day series of lectures, presentations and discussions open to all artists, practitioners, researchers, theorists, developers, scientists and the public, referred to performance research involving interactive technologies and, notably, to INSCAPE. The Digital Cultures Lab and Symposium focus on multicultural works provided a critical arena for discussing generic/ non-generic qualities of different kinds of narrative forms in contemporary art, and allowed UNEW to prospect for future attendees at upcoming INSCAPE seminars.
A consortium member provided a presentation at the VR forum about "Storytelling based Edutainment Applications". Hereby, the focus was set on INSCAPE both from a research related and application-driven point of view in the Edutainment sector.
The consortium presented a full paper a titled “Beneficial Dependencies: A Design Principle for Narrative Games” as well as a short paper/demo directly addressing INSCAPE: “INSCAPE: Storymodels for Interactive Storytelling and Edutainment Applications”. Both papers are published in the Springer LN series.
A consortium member presented a paper with the title "Balancing Narrative Control and Autonomy for Virtual Characters in a Game Scenario".
A consortium member distributed the INSCAPE flyer to inform about the project and invited people to join the OC forum in the framework of the Austrian pavilion in Tunis. A presentation was also given.
The consortium had a booth where it distributed INSCAPE material and disseminated preliminary project results. This action was a preparatory step for broader demonstration action to be carried out in the 2006 edition.
The consortium was responsible for the organization of the 4th Portuguese Communication Association Congress that unites the entire Portugese Communication community in the University of Aveiro. In this context, The consortium presented a paper entitled “Principles of a Film Poetics of Sadness”, which describes work undertaken to identify solutions to the issues raised by emotional diversity in Interactive Storytelling reported in the D3.2.1 of the INSCAPE project.
The plenary conference of the UK Equator project (a 6 year interdisciplinary research collaboration funded by the EPSRC) was held in October at Lancaster, UK. Here The consortium presented a poster about the technique of reporting agents, referring to the INSCAPE project. This work was received with enthusiasm by the Equator researchers. Additionally the Equator Plenary provided an opportunity to make UK researcher aware of the Inscape project and its goals.
The consortium distributed the INSCAPE flyer to inform about the project and invited people to join the OC forum during the EUROPRIX Top Talent Award Jury meeting.
The consortium presented a paper entitled “Ask & Answer – An Educational Game where it Pays to Endear your Capricious Virtual Companion”.
INSCAPE made a presentation of the concepts and techniques behind virtual characters and their use in virtual storytelling environments and making reference to their use in the INSCAPE project. The audience was mainly composed of artists and instructors working in the interactive audio-visual media industry. Contact with the other instructors and with the participants of the workshop has been established and we plan to participate in future events organized in the VocINet network.
Newcastle INSCAPE researchers attended the international workshop organized at the Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, where participants engaged with three technologically distinct hands-on test environments in collaborative work groups, and theoretical discussion sessions on interactive media. The consortium participants sought to identify research methodologies in the area of performance development of interactive tools, for future application to validation and demonstration of the INSCAPE SDK. The workshop allowed analysis of narrative structuring devices in interactive live performance environments; it offered a useful reference for future INSCAPE workshops, and strategic links to individuals and institutions working in interactive media, as well as to the Convivio Network of Excellence.
The consortium organized the "International Conference Television, Aesthetics and Reality" in the University of Aveiro gathering researchers on Cultural Television from the USA, UK, Canada, Brazil and others. We presented a paper entitled "Television Drama Series' Incorporation of Film Narrative Innovation: 24", describing work performed in the frame of the INSCAPE project, unveiling the innovative forms of narratives being used by the contemporaneous American television series. And presenting possible connections for the new types of interactive narrative forms.
The consortium presented the INSCAPE project in the context of an invited keynote address for an international festival on live performance. The paper, entitled "Navigation in the Skenabiotope", traced the evolution of use of technologies in live performance from early "archaic" to current SOA forms, including interactive online developments, microelectronics and sensor technologies. Audience feedback is being used to build subsequent Newcastle INSCAPE events (seminars, workshops).
The consortium presented a paper entitled "Emotion and Feelings, from Film Editing to Videogame Interactivity", describing work performed in the frame of the INSCAPE project, on the emotional capacities delivered by Film through the use of its unique feature of Editing and the problems of visual translating it into interactive forms to be used by Interactive Storytelling.
The consortium presented INSCAPE in the context of a panel alongside co-panelists from the Directorate of Trade and Industry, to discuss development of policy in support of new and emergent models of research employing broadband technologies. The Bristol event, the first in a series organised by the Task Group on Research & Knowledge Transfer was well attended by international artists and telecommunications researchers working in areas challenging current broadband limits, including online gaming and new performance forms close to INSCAPE development areas. Contacts have been recorded for future dissemination activities.
The consortium distributed the INSCAPE flyer to inform about the project and invited people to join the OC forum.
The consortium presented the INSCAPE project in the context of an overview of live performance use of interactive technologies during a “Creativity Amphitheatre” plenary session. The event attracted telecom and interactive software developers (ITU representation), European, international cultural policy makers and academic researchers. Contacts made are being upheld for future dissemination activities.
The consortium was present with a booth which chiefly aimed to display and demo the consortium animation products. One poster of the INSCAPE project was shown at the consortium booth. People interested received information and requirements were at that stage collected from the animation community of authors.
INSCAPE was introduced to the audience as preparatory step for broader action on to be carried out in 2006. Art teachers were briefed and invited to visit the inscape website.
The consortium provided a paper titled “MuViPlan – Interactive authoring environment to plan individual museum visits” and presented this topic in a workshop like atmosphere. Hereby, INSCAPE was promoted as a leading-edge project for Interactive Storytelling and basis for a broad spectrum of storytelling based application domains.
The consortium presented INSCAPE via a paper entitled “Digitally Instrumentalised Cultural Landscapes as Art” selected by an international committee in response to the theme “Inventing new cultural landscapes and alternative conceptions of place”. The paper described interactive, site-based art-works, and focused on new narratives built by orchestrating mobile and digital technologies in heritage sites. The Q/A session allowed discussion of the place of story and narrative in cultural re-readings of landscape.
The consortium was present with a booth and distributed the INSCAPE flyer providing information about the project and inviting people to join the OC forum.
A consortium member presented the INSCAPE project on TTA DVD-Rom distributed at the TTF in Vienna.
The "Pervasive and Locative Arts Network" funded by the British EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) called for papers for its launch event at the London Institute of Contemporary Art. The INSCAPE consortium has presented the project in a paper on new theatrical forms based on distributed, interactive media referred to the INSCAPE project. Contacts for workshops and for monitoring artistic uses of pervasive and locative media were established. NU was one of the organisers of the first conference of the "Pervasive and Locative Arts Network" funded by the British EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) at the London Institute of Contemporary Art. Steve Benford NU made a presentation on narrative storytelling and mobility referring to the INSCAPE project. Contacts were established with other researchers and artists.
The consortium has organised 2 workshops on November 19th and 20th 2005 about the INSCAPE program for young multimedia producers from Europe inviting them to join the OC and focussing on end user requirements. A presentation of the INSCAPE project has been provided in the TTA DVD-Rom distributed at the TTF in Vienna.
(!) Archived website version
INSCAPE was presented successfully at Laval Virtual 2008, in France, from April 9 to 13, where it won an Award in the Science and Education category. Financial Services: Same Day Approval Loans at 1Payday.Loans Company |